BGFA Funds Solar Operations in Burkina Faso

  • The Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa (BGFA) provides $2.5 million in funding to Oolu.
  • The solar home systems provider will use the funds to expand its operations in rural areas of Burkina Faso.
  • Oolu’s proposal to electrify 28,000 rural households will be implemented.

Oolu, a provider of off-grid solar systems, has received funding from the Beyond the Grid Fund for Africa (BGFA) to expand its operations in Burkina Faso. Oolu will get $2.5 million from this global funding vehicle for business growth. The company installs solar household systems in Burkina Faso’s rural communities (SHS).

The company uses a pay-per-use model like other solar kit providers in Africa to make it easier for rural homes to purchase stand-alone electricity access devices. The company also installs solar systems for customers of commercial and industrial (C&I). The BGFA money, according to Oolu, will help speed up the implementation of its power access solutions in the Centre, Boucle du Mouhoun, Cascades, Hauts Bassins, South West, Centre East, Centre West, and East regions.

At the same time, the company, which has been operating in Burkina Faso since 2018, plans to expand into four other regions. As a result of the BGFA grant, Oolu’s proposal to electrify 28,000 rural households will be implemented.

“We are delighted to announce our first project in Burkina Faso, which will enable access to clean energy solutions in multiple regions of the nation and is estimated to benefit over 155,000 people,” says Dennis Hamro-Drotz, senior program manager at NEFCO, which oversees BGFA.


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