BOTSWANA: SEFA Approves $1 Million Grant for Botswana’s Energy Transition

  • Botswana receives $1 million in funding from SEFA
  • AfDB to manage the facility
  • Funding to aid Botswana’s transition to clean energy

Botswana’s government has received a $1 million finance facility from the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) to facilitate the country’s transition to clean energy. The facility will be managed by the African Development Bank (AfDB). The facility includes the provision of technical assistance supports in closing the identified critical policy gaps, regulatory and legal frameworks.

”The outputs from the project will contribute towards the implementation of Botswana’s first Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), thus facilitating investments in at least 100 MW of new solar photovoltaic and at least 50 MW wind generation capacity by 2030.” the AfDB stated.

”The project also contributes to the Mega Solar initiative, launched in 2021 in collaboration with Namibia and development partners, with the aim of building renewable energy capacity in the two countries, to enable electricity exports to the rest of the region,” the AfDB stated.

The Botswana Energy Regulatory Authority has welcomed the development saying the approval is a, ”..great step forward in the regulator’s quest to facilitate independent power producers, renewable energy sources and cost-reflective tariffs in Botswana,”

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