BP, EnBW Award Pre-FEED for 2.9-GW Wind Project

BP Plc and EnBW Energie Baden-Wuerttemberg AG have awarded Kent Plc the contract for the pre-front end engineering design (pre-FEED) study for their 2.9-GW Morven offshore wind project in Scotland. Kent expects to finish the study in six months, which includes engineering design work to inform key decisions, foundation type, corrosion protection concepts, transportation, and installation feasibility. Kent will collaborate with Ternan Energy on the geotechnical aspects.

Morven will use fixed-bottom turbines in water depths between 65 meters and 75 meters and will be situated approximately 60 km off the coast of Aberdeen, which Kent claims is one of the deepest offshore wind projects globally. The Morven project is anticipated to establish an operations and maintenance base in Aberdeen and utilize the Port of Leith as its marshalling port. Kent has previously designed deepwater offshore wind jacket substructures for Beatrice Offshore Windfarm in Scotland.

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