Brazil Hits 22 GW of Installed Solar Capacity

  • Brazil passed the 22 GW installed solar PV.
  • The solar installations have brought in investments of $21.5bn.

This week, Brazilian solar group Absolar reported that the country passed the 22 GW installed solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity mark in November. Solar energy makes up 10.8% of the nation’s total electricity production.

Brazil’s installed solar capacity increased 59.4% from 13.8 GW from the start of the year through the middle of November. In addition, the group reports that solar deployment increased over the previous 150 days at a rate of roughly 1 GW per month.

The two primary forms of solar energy in the nation are self-generation and large-scale parks. Brazil has nearly 15 GW of solar panels in the former, whereas large-scale solar plants account for more than 7 GW.

Absolar noted that solar installations have brought in investments of $21.5bn and created more than 660,000 local jobs since 2012.

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