Brazil, UK Sign Green Hydrogen Hub Agreement

  • The Brazil-UK Hydrogen Hub will be a multilateral platform for cooperation in hydrogen development.
  • Silveira says the aim is for new investments to come into Brazil with sustainability and contractual security.

The Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy has said that the governments of Brazil and the United Kingdom have signed a new bilateral agreement to partner in developing a green hydrogen hub. The Brazil-UK Hydrogen Hub will be a multilateral, co-led platform for cooperation in hydrogen development. It will enable Brazil to develop technology, research, and design innovation ecosystems to catalyse investments in low-carbon hydrogen.

According to Energy Minister Alexandre Silveira, Brazil has been taking steady steps towards regulating low-carbon hydrogen to structure the best investment opportunities for this technology. Silveira said Brazil wants to be an exporter of sustainability, generating jobs domestically and allowing industrialisation around this new agenda. The aim is for new investments to come into Brazil with sustainability and contractual security.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Mines and Energy noted that this partnership with the UK can count on financial support, especially for structuring projects in this area. The UK’s Secretary for Energy Security and Zero Emissions, Claire Coutinho, expressed hopes that a support package will be mobilised to help accelerate Brazil’s hydrogen transition.

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