British TV Screens and Bus-stops to Display Energy Saving Tips

  • Energy-saving tips will be advertised on TV and at bus stops to the British public.
  • The campaign is expected to cost the taxpayer up to £18 million.

In the bid to educate the public and conserve energy, energy-saving tips will be advertised to the British people on TV and at bus stops this winter.

This is according to a new information campaign launched by the government, which will also see a new website available with advice and hacks to keep costs down.

The campaign is expected to cost the taxpayer up to £18 million, the government has projected, with TV advertisements going live from Saturday.

Business Secretary Grant Shapps will reportedly be involved in the campaign and possibly a face of TV and social media content.

Households lowering boiler flow temperatures to 60°C is one of the critical messages set to be transmitted, as this could produce annual savings of up to £100.

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