BURUNDI: Mpanda Hydroelectric Power Station Tender Invitation

  • The independent power producer (IPP) Hydroneo East Africa has issued a request for proposals for the design and building of the Mpanda hydroelectric power station and its discharge line.
  • Applying companies have until July 25, 2023.

Two lots make up the Hydroneo East Africa tender. The design and construction of the 10 MW Mpanda hydroelectric power station are covered in the first. The chosen company will be in charge of the power plant’s intricate design, building, and commissioning, as well as its surrounding infrastructure. A 27 km (14 km) 33 kV transmission line connecting the power plant and the Rubirizi transformer is included in the second package, including the design and construction of the interconnection infrastructure.

Before July 25th, 2023, businesses interested in this project may submit applications for one or both lots. The Burundian government and Mpanda Hydro Power have formed a public-private partnership (PPP) to develop the Mpanda hydroelectric project. On the Mpanda river in the province of Bubanza, the special-purpose business, which is entirely owned by Hydroneo East Africa, intends to construct a run-of-river power station.

The Mpanda hydropower plant, with whom it has already signed a power purchase agreement (PPA), is expected to provide 10% of the electricity in the network of Burundi’s Water and electricity production and distribution company (REGIDESO). Hydroneo anticipates investing $43.5 million in the development of the new facilities. The company, based in Paris, France, expects to reach financial close on the project in 2022, before starting work, which will take between 12 and 18 months.

The proposal to construct a run-of-river power station on the Mpanda river is receiving support throughout its development stage from the Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP), a renewable energy financing platform backed by the UK government, and the investment firm Finergreen.

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