Burundi’s 7.5MWp Mubuga Solar PV Plant Now Operational

  • Gigawatt Global has commissioned a 7.5MWp Mbuga Solar PV Plant in Burundi.
  • Gigawatt will supply the power from the Plant to state utility REGIDESO under a 25-year PPA.

Gigawatt Global has commissioned the 7.5Mwp Mubuga solar PV plant in Burundi. The project, which began construction six years ago, has now been completed. The EPC contractor for the Plant was Voltalia which will also operate and maintain the Plant. The Dutch developer, Gigawatt Global, estimates that the Plant will supply about 87,600 people. The Plant has been the largest international private investment in Burundi’s electricity sector for almost 30 years. Gigawatt Global will supply the power produced from the plant to state utility Régie de production et distribution d’eau et d’électricité (REGIDESO) under a 25-year PPA.

The Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP), the project’s leading partner, noted that Gigawatt Global would also build a solar-powered community centre to provide local access to productive electricity use. The REPP provided a bridge loan for the Plant’s construction of the Mubuga solar plant. Inspired Evolution through its Evolution II fund, the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO), and the U.S. Finance Corporation for International Development (DFC) also supported the development of the Plant. The Plant will be covered by a guarantee from the Africa Trade Insurance Agency (ATI).

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