California ISO Issues Flex Alert

  • California ISO issues Flex Alert
  • Asks consumers to reduce consumption
  • Flex Alert to take effect 5 pm to 10 pm

California’s Independent System Operator (ISO) has issued a Flex Alert for consumers. The Manager of California’s grid has asked residents and businesses to cut down on consumption to reduce the effect on the power grid. California is currently in the middle of a heatwave which has increased demand. The heatwave is expected to last through Friday.

The Spokesperson for the ISO, Anne Gonzales, said, “We are headed into some record-breaking high heat territory, and we may call a Flex Alert if needed”. Temperatures are expected to reach 37-degree celsius. “We are working to give the public as much advance notice as possible”, Gonzales added.

A Flex Alert is a voluntary call for energy conservation. Consumers are expected to reduce consumption between 5 pm through 10 pm.

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