CAMEROUN: Yaoundé-Abong-Mbang Transmission Line 65% Complete

  • Yaoundé-Abong-Mbang transmission line, 65% complete
  • Construction works began in November 2019
  • Camerounian government to finance connection costs

The construction of the Yaoundé-Abong-Mbang transmission line is now 65% complete. The 225kV transmission project, which began in November 2019, has made significant progress. 160 out of 243 pylons are already installed, and the construction of the firewall at the Mampang transformer station has been completed.

The Minister of Water and Energy (MINEE), Gaston Eloundou Essomba, who visited the project site, confirmed the progress. Speaking at the site visit, Mr Essomba stated that the government would finance the connection fees of 6000 households to the grid when the project is completed. ”Due to the high connection costs, which are sometimes as high as XAF100,000, the project will pre-fund the connection for households, which will refund the costs within five or six years. The refunds will take the form of monthly payments of XAF1,500 added to their electricity bills”, Essomba said.

The Yaoundé-Abong-Mbang transmission line is constructed by Kalpa-Taru Power Transmission Ltd (KPTL) and will connect Cameroun’s Eastern region to the South interconnected network.

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