Can Clothes Generate Electric Power?

Is there a possibility for clothes to give out usable electric power? I know of the tiny sparks that we receive when we put on our clothes especially during the harmattan season but can it go beyond those sparks?

Some scientists have found a way to manufacture nylon fabrics that are capable of generating electricity from simple body movement. Odd right? These clothes will be smart enough to observe our health through tiny sensors and charge our devices without an external power source.

This finding was a result of the breakthrough experiment on solution-processed piezoelectric nylons. Piezoelectricity is simply the transformation of mechanical energy into electric energy. Hence, when you misshape or tap a piezoelectric material it gives off a charge.

These materials make it easy to harvest energy from mechanical movements such as swinging and moving one’s body. One relieving property of this material is that it is lead-free and non-toxic. This development aims to incorporate electronic elements like sensors to generate power while we work.
The electricity harvested would be stored in a battery burrowed in the pocket. The battery would then be connected to a device using a cable.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this discovery?

On the bright side, this system of generating electric currents would help in menial energy needs such as charging of devices. It is mobile in the sense that wherever and whatever you do, there is a standby of electric power.

On the downside, moving around with batteries are not good as there are many side effects like radiation. Though it is lead-free, some other components may have radioactive properties in them. It can also be hazardous if the elements are not properly knitted in the clothing which can cause shocks. Finally, there is only a small amount of energy that can be generated via this medium.



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