Chad Launches Two 5MW Solar Hybrid Power Plants

  • The Chadian government recently r]launched the construction of two 5MW solar hybrid power plants.
  • The power plants will comprise of a solar PV system, an energy storage system and a backup generator to ensure round the clock energy production.
  • It is expected that the power plants will provide additional 6,000 households with electricity.

Chadian President, Idriss Déby Itno, recently launched the construction of a 5 MW hybrid solar power plant in Am Timan in the Salamat region. The town currently has a  1MW thermal power plant for its nearly 40,000 residents. The 5MW hybrid solar power plant is scheduled to be completed in 1 year according to Energy Minister Ramatou Mahamat Houtouin. It is expected that upon completion, the plant will supply electricity to about 3,000 households in the town.

The hybrid power plant is being constructed by ZIZ Energie, a Chadian-based solar energy supplier. ZIZ Energie will also construct another 5MW solar power plant in the city of Mongo, the capital of Guéra province. This installation will comprise of a 2.5MWp solar PV power plant, a 5MWh energy storage system and a 1.2 MW generator.

The Energy Minister believes that the project will increase electrification by 500 per cent and the duration of supply by 300 per cent from 8 hours daily to 24 hours daily. He stated that the government is also currently working towards harmonising the price of electricity nationally and also have plans to launch another solar hybrid power project in the town of Moussoro, in the Bahr El Ghazel region.

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