China Plans Installation of Wind Turbines to Double Renewable Energy Capacity

  • China’s renewable energy usage will surpass 50 per cent in the overall energy usage increments by 2025.

The Chinese government has announced plans to double its renewable energy capacity by over 50 per cent increase investment in wind and solar energies. This was disclosed by Li Chuangjun, director general of the Department of New Energy and Renewable Energy Sources of the National Energy Administration (NEA), at a carbon neutrality forum.

Li Chuangjun noted that constructing wind and photovoltaic power plants in northwestern desert regions would prioritise China’s carbon emissions reduction during the 14th Five-year Plan period 2021-25.

Li stated that the first group of renewable power plants with 100 million kilowatt-hours capacity has begun, noting that the electricity volume generated by renewable power sources will reach 3.3 trillion kilowatt-hours by 2025.

A total of five offshore wind turbine bases with over 10-million-kilowatt-hours generating capacity are planned to be built in the Shandong Peninsula, the Yangtze River Delta, the southern part of East China’s Fujian Province, the eastern part of South China’s Guangdong Province and the southern Beibu Gulf.

According to Li, the five offshore wind power’s overall generated power is expected to hit 20 million kilowatt-hours by 2025.

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