Clean Aviation Centre Opened by King Charles After Coronation

  • King Charles visited the Whittle Laboratory at Cambridge University to unveil its latest research facility that will bring together the world’s top aviation and energy experts to get closer to zero-emission flights.
  • The centre will bring together some of the world’s top aviation and energy experts.

After his coronation, King Charles has gotten straight to work by announcing a new site working on getting net zero aviation up and flying. He paid the Whittle Laboratory at Cambridge University a visit to unveil its latest research facility that will bring together the world’s top aviation and energy experts to get closer to zero-emission flights.

The King lauded the people at the Whittle, who have “the innovative capacity and the engineering skills to help lead what we need so badly and so urgently to save this planet from increasing catastrophe.” His visit marked three years since his first, when still a Prince, he made clear: “The need to de-carbonise flight must remain at the top of the agenda. While many are calling for net zero flights by 2050, I would like to challenge you to think about halving that time frame to 2035.”

On his visit, Buckingham Palace released a statement: “Today, it typically takes six to eight years to develop a new technology to the point where it can be considered for commercial deployment in the aerospace and energy sectors. “Recent trials in the Whittle laboratory have shown this timeframe can be accelerated by breaking down silos that exist between academia and industry.”

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