Common Myths Associated with Electricity

It is not uncommon knowledge that several people have varying notions about electricity and its functionality. Some of the challenges utilities face regarding electrical infrastructures lean mostly on the public’s limited understanding of energy systems. To this end, information has been miscommunicated. This write-up highlights some of the common myths associated with electricity.

1. Electricity Travels at the Speed of Light: It is shocking that many still believe this statement. It might be because electricity is often in the form of light; hence, the assumption that it travels at the speed of light. However, the fact remains that electricity does not have a specified speed. Instead, the speed varies with the medium through which it’s been transported, through cables, metals or electromagnetic waves. Unfortunately, there is not yet a medium that permits an unrestricted flow of electricity that travels at equal speed as light.

2. Switched-off Devices Consume Zero Energy: It is commonly assumed that a switched-off device does not consume energy. While this could be true, it does not apply to all appliances. For example, some appliances do not go completely off but remain in standby mode. Examples of such devices are cellphone chargers, satellite decoders, Coffee makers, and televisions. In this mode, some of these appliances consume almost the same energy as when turned on.

3. Batteries Store Electricity: When put in a device, a battery makes the device function. This process often leads to the belief that batteries store actual electricity. However, batteries do not store electricity; instead, they allow the flow of electricity through them. Batteries often contain a liquid-like substance called an electrolyte with a positive and negative terminal that allows for the penetration and exit of electrons. A battery houses electrolytes that transform into ions in a device to generate an electric charge.

4. Electricity Has No Weight: Many term electricity weightless since it can hardly be seen. However, the fact that it is invisible does not mean it has no mass. On the contrary, electrons have mass and weight.

5. Low Voltage is Not Dangerous: People believe and are more cautioned about high voltage, paying less or no attention to low voltage. However, low voltage can be as dangerous and deadly as high voltage.

These are a few of the numerous myths about electricity. Hence, before taking up information wholly, do yourself a favour by validating that information.

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