Construction Begins on Onshore Substation for Thor wind project

RWE AG, a German energy company, has started building the Danish North Sea’s 1-GW Thor offshore wind farm project onshore substation. According to RWE today, Siemens Energy AG will construct the substation with the regional engineering firm MT Hjgaard Danmark in the municipality of Lemvig in western Denmark. The groundbreaking ceremony was held today in the presence of leaders of the project’s firms, the Lemvig municipality, and the Danish industry.

The Thor wind farm, which will be erected approximately 22 kilometers (13.68 miles) off the port of Thorsminde on the west coast of Jutland, will be the country’s largest offshore wind farm to date.The wind park, which is outfitted with 72 Siemens Gamesa turbines, is anticipated to be completely operational by the end of 2027 and produce enough electricity to power more than one million Danish homes. It is anticipated that installation of the machines at sea would start in 2026.

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