Construction of Greefspan II Solar Power Plant Completed

  • The Greefspan II solar PV plant in South Africa has been completed and will be connected to the grid pending testing and registration.
  • The plant has a capacity of 63.2MWp and will produce 150,000MWh of green energy for over 20,000 households annually.

The Spanish energy company, GRS Energy has completed the construction of the Greefspan II photovoltaic solar power plant. The 63.2MWp solar power plant is located near Douglas, in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, and the construction began in 2018. GRS implemented the project alongside Spanish group TSK and the South African company Umbono Energy Partners.

According to GRS, the plant has reached the preliminary and final stage for commissioning. The company is ready to commence grid connection tests pending registration. It is expected that the power plant will produce 150,000MWh of green energy for over 20,000 South African households annually while reducing emissions by 130,000 tonnes.

GRS has stated that the solar PV plant installation will increase industrialisation of the Northern Cape, create jobs and provide new alternate energy production capacity to assuage South Africa’s load shedding. 

Development of the Greefspan II solar project is being led by African Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM), the IDEAS fund and Black Industrialist.

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