Cote D’Ivoire Cuts Electricity Supply to Neighbouring Countries

The Energy Minister, Cote D’Ivoire, Thomas Camara had announced on May 7th in a press release that the country will cut electricity supply to neighbouring West African countries. The country exports 11% of its total energy generated and with the coming cuts, will reduce electricity exports from 200MW to 60MW. The implementation began two weeks ago with load shedding schedules in place for local consumers.

Mr. Camara explained, the reason for the cut in supply was the recent drought in the country which impacted water levels. The country’s main thermal power plants have also suffered a breakdown due to inadequate gas supply. The countries affected by the cuts include Togo, Ghana, Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Liberia.

Ghana already suffers frequent load shedding due to inadequate capacity and the ongoing maintenance works on critical network infrastructure. Togo on the other hand will likely be worst hit by the impact. The country is currently undertaking infrastructural projects aimed at 100% electrification on of the country.

After two weeks of the implementation, the Minister has called for patience as the country works out a strategy for resolving the shortages.

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