Côte d’Ivoire Hosts Inaugural SIREXE 2024

  • At the Parc des Expositions, Côte d’Ivoire’s first International Extractive and Energy Resources Exhibition (SIREXE) will run from November 27 to December 2, 2024.
  • The event’s theme is “Sustainable Development of Extractive and Energy Industries,” Norway will be the guest country of honour.
  • Prime Minister Robert Beugré Mambé aims to attract private investments to boost Africa’s extractive and energy sectors.

The Ministry of Mines, Petroleum, and Energy of Côte d’Ivoire announced the International Extractive and Energy Resources Exhibition (SIREXE). The Council of Ministers approved the event on April 17, which will run from November 27 to December 2, 2024, at the Parc des Expositions.

SIREXE 2024, themed “Sustainable Development of Extractive and Energy Industries: What Policies and Strategies?” will focus on collaboration, exchange, and investment in the mining, petroleum, and energy sectors. Norway, known for its expertise in hydrocarbons and energy technology, will serve as the guest country of honour.

Prime Minister Robert Beugré Mambé will patronise the event to attract private investments in Africa’s extractive and energy sectors. “We must highlight the continent’s potential and attract investments to stimulate our economies,” said Petroleum and Energy Minister Mr. Sangafowa-Coulibaly.

President Alassane Ouattara’s vision emphasises leveraging Côte d’Ivoire’s resources for economic growth. During his June 18 national address, President Ouattara pointed to the country’s rich subsoil wealth, including gold, manganese, and recent oil and gas discoveries. “Our ambition is to make Côte d’Ivoire an energy powerhouse while ensuring environmental protection,” he stated.

SIREXE 2024 will engage the public and provide insights into the extractive and energy sectors. Activities and interactive presentations will explore the challenges and opportunities in these industries, focusing on Africa and Côte d’Ivoire.

The event will promote local content by highlighting career opportunities for Ivorian youth and business prospects for local entrepreneurs. “SIREXE will serve as a platform for exchange, collaboration, and investment,” said Mr Sangafowa-Coulibaly, encouraging industry stakeholders and the public to participate.

The exhibition will bring together the mining, petroleum, and energy sectors for the first time in Africa. Scheduled every two years, SIREXE aims to become a key venue for industry actors globally. Companies, investors, and policymakers will meet and form South-South and North-South partnerships.

Exhibitors and visitors at SIREXE 2024 will use the modern facilities at the Parc des Expositions d’Abidjan. The event promises to meet high international standards, marking a significant milestone for Côte d’Ivoire’s energy and extractive industries.

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