Cyberattacks Hike with Increased Adoption of Rooftop Solar in Australia

  • Australia’s electricity grid is exposed to cyber attacks as the country adopts more smart energy technologies.

Australia currently experiences an increasing adoption of rooftop solar and other smart appliances. However, this development has also come with an increased number of cyberattacks on the country’s electricity grid, thereby calling for attention.

Two of Australia’s topmost cyber security advisors noted that enemies of Russia would now be a target point for cyberattacks, including Australia. There are fears that the war between Russia and Ukraine could escalate into a cyberwar, with Russia aiming such actions as a retaliation against Western nations as a response to the massive economic sanctions they had directed at Russia. 

There is an increasing rate of rooftop solar and other smart technologies which communicate with the Australian electricity grid using the internet. This activity could make the country vulnerable in the event of a cyberattack. A leading energy regulator in Australia has therefore called for more spending on cyber security in the country to protect against cyberattacks on the electricity grid. 

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