Denmark to Support Nigeria’s Energy Transition Plan

  • Danish ambassador expresses commitment to increasing investment in Nigeria’s renewable energy industry. 
  • Denmark will work closely with Nigeria from now on, especially in areas of shared interest.

In an interview with the Nigerian News Agency The Punch Newspaper in the country’s capital Abuja, Sune Krogstrup, the Danish ambassador to Nigeria, expressed his country’s willingness to increase investment and help Nigeria’s efforts to expand its renewable energy industry.

He asserted that Denmark, a prominent worldwide player in the field, was prepared to help Nigeria’s goal to shift to green energy. Krogstrup emphasized the need for all hands on deck to reduce emissions as he lamented the growing impact of greenhouse gas emissions. He said, “Denmark has much to offer Nigeria regarding green technology and know-how aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

He added, “We in Denmark are among the global front runners in developing and implementing new technology that supports a green transition. We are very ambitious regarding the green transition; the Danish ambition is to ensure climate neutrality by 2050. Nigeria has also committed itself to ambitious targets for reducing its emissions. And much needs to be done to bring in investments and technology.”

According to NAN, Yemi Osinbajo, a former vice president, announced Nigeria’s ETP in August 2022 to provide a roadmap for attaining carbon neutrality by 2060, eradicating energy poverty, and promoting economic growth. To reduce climate change and obtain cleaner energy, the ambassador emphasized the necessity of a sustainable transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. He reaffirmed that Denmark would work closely with Nigeria in the future, especially in areas of shared interest.

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