South Africa’s Deputy Minister Calls for Fair Distribution in Energy Shift

  • Deputy Minister Narend Singh emphasised the need for equitable benefit-sharing from renewable energy projects as South Africa transitions from coal to cleaner energy sources.
  • Singh called for comprehensive national policies with local government in practical implementation and innovative financing to make renewable energy affordable.

As South Africa shifts towards a low-carbon economy, Deputy Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Narend Singh has emphasised the need for equitable distribution of benefits from renewable energy projects.

Speaking at the National Consultative Workshop on Early Warnings for All (EW4All) in Pretoria, Singh highlighted the importance of addressing job losses in the coal sector as part of the country’s just energy transition.

Singh stressed that South Africa’s transition from coal to cleaner energy sources must be approached with humanity. He called for comprehensive national renewable energy policies, defined targets, and a roadmap to guide the transition. “Community participation and ownership in renewable energy projects are essential to ensure that the benefits are shared equitably,” Singh stated.

While acknowledging the necessity of the transition, Singh recognised the challenges involved. The country’s reliance on coal has significantly affected its economic growth and employment. Singh noted the need for innovative financing mechanisms to make renewable energy technologies affordable and accessible, particularly for low-income communities.

“To truly succeed, we need more than just policies and roadmaps. We need action and commitment from every sector of society, government, private sector, civil society, and every citizen,” Singh said. He urged for a united effort to harness the potential of renewable energy, stressing that collaboration and implementation are crucial for a sustainable future.

Singh also pointed out the critical role of local government in translating policy into action. “Focusing on getting the basics right in daily deliverables is essential,” he noted. He emphasised that practical innovation and service delivery at the local level are crucial to advancing the energy transition.

Electricity, Singh highlighted, is fundamental to industrial growth, economic development, and inclusivity. However, the legacy of environmental degradation and health issues from past coal reliance underscores the importance of transitioning to clean energy. “Our commitment to renewable energy is crucial for both environmental health and the well-being of our communities,” Singh concluded.

The Deputy Minister’s remarks underscored the need for a balanced approach to the energy transition, ensuring that it supports economic growth while addressing social and environmental challenges.

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