DOE Funds Program to Improve Energy and EV Interconnections

  • The DOE’s iQMS program will allocate $11.2 million to support up to 25 distribution utilities in testing innovative solutions for managing interconnection queues for renewable energy and EV charging infrastructure.
  • The program offers funding in two tracks: $9.2 million for generator interconnections and $2 million for EV supply equipment load requests.
  • Utilities will conduct pilot projects to evaluate new queue management solutions and share their findings.

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has launched a new program to streamline integrating renewable energy projects and electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure into the grid.

The Innovative Queue Management Solutions (iQMS) program will distribute $11.2 million to support up to 25 distribution utilities in piloting innovative solutions for managing interconnection queues.

Many distribution utilities currently face lengthy queues for non-residential, mid-scale clean energy projects, typically ranging from 100 kilowatts to 5 megawatts. These projects and new EV charging equipment experience delays and rising costs due to inadequate management tools and procedures.

Federal tax incentives and aggressive state and local decarbonisation goals are expected to increase demand for these projects significantly. This heightened demand emphasises the need for more efficient processing systems to prevent backlogs and long delays in connecting new clean energy assets to the grid.

The iQMS program will fund pilot projects that test new queue management solutions in real-world scenarios. These projects will address interconnection, service load, and energisation queues, providing crucial insights into the effectiveness of new software and workflow automation tools.

The program aims to accelerate the adoption of these solutions and facilitate the rapid deployment of solar energy, wind energy, energy storage systems, and EV charging infrastructure.

The program offers funding in two distinct tracks:

Track 1: Generator Interconnection – This track allocates $9.2 million to improve the management of interconnections for renewable energy generators.

Track 2: EV Supply Equipment Load Requests – This track allocates $2 million to address the specific needs of EV charging infrastructure.

ENERGYWERX will manage the iQMS program, working with the DOE’s Solar Energy Technologies Office, the Wind Energy Technologies Office, and the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation. The Partnership Intermediary Agreement with the DOE’s Office of Technology Transitions facilitates this collaboration, demonstrating the program’s commitment to fostering innovation and cooperation across sectors.

Participating utilities will document their pilot projects, including challenges faced and solutions implemented. They will share best practices and lessons learned, contributing to a broader understanding of effective queue management strategies. This information will help other utilities handle similar interconnection and energisation challenges, supporting the more efficient and timely deployment of clean energy technologies.

The DOE’s iQMS program addresses current limitations in managing interconnection queues and facilitates the integration of clean energy and EV charging infrastructure. The program seeks to drive innovation, enhance efficiency, and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient energy grid by providing targeted funding and support.

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