DREAM, to Power Agriculture in Africa 

  • Agriculture is an essential part of Ethiopia’s economy.
  • The initiative on Wednesday launched nine renewable energy mini-grids and irrigation systems across Ethiopia.

The Distributed Renewable Energy – Agriculture Modalities (DREAM) initiative is powering agriculture in Africa through solar mini-grid-powered large-scale irrigation systems. These systems will provide farmers and local communities with reliable, affordable, sustainable irrigation and electricity access. The initiative on Wednesday launched nine renewable energy mini-grids and irrigation systems across Ethiopia.

Agriculture is an essential part of Ethiopia’s economy; It accounts for 32% of the GDP and 70% of the labour market. Ethiopia has 5% of its land irrigated with small-scale farming with yields below regional averages. The inflation of about 42% has increased food prices, significantly affecting livelihood and industries. The program delivering 200 mini-grids will displace up to 200,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030,  provide over 290,000 people with electricity and create about 60,000 jobs in Ethiopia.

The Minister of Agriculture, H.E Omer Hussein, in his speech, said that the DREAM project initiative which adopts renewable energy using solar mini-grids would help to increase modern irrigation practices and overall crop yield. He also pledged the support of the ministry towards successfully implementing all phases of the project and realising vision 2030. The partners of the project include Ethiopia’s Ministry of Water and Energy, Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), The World Bank, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands (MILLs), Agriculture Transformation Institute (ATI), Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP), European Investment Bank and African Development Bank – Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa.


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