EAC Reaffirms Commitment to Renewable Energy Sources

  • EAC partner states have reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing energy efficiency.
  • Partner states reported that wind and solar energy infrastructure investments were underway.

The East African Community (EAC) partner states have reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing energy efficiency and exploiting wind, solar, and geothermal energy as sustainable energy sources for the region. According to EAC, partner states have embarked on various initiatives to tap into renewable energy and energy conservation potential.

The initiatives include the review of national renewable energy laws, implementing energy management regulations, national strategies and standards for energy efficiency and renewable energy, and promoting energy efficiency and conservation. During the Ministerial Session of the 16th Sectoral Council of Energy held at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania, partner states reported that wind and solar energy infrastructure investments were underway.

For example, Burundi is working on solar mini-grids, and Kenya is involved in wind and solar projects. All these efforts aim to increase renewable energy contributions to the national grid. Rwanda and Tanzania have reported increased investment in solar energy projects, while Uganda is focusing on solar energy deployment for rural electrification.

The ministers were informed that the partner states were also exploring mini-hydro projects and transforming biomass energy sources. They are implementing Initiatives ranging from promoting sustainable charcoal production to implementing clean cooking solutions and bioenergy strategies.

The ministers noted updates on ongoing fossil fuel projects and underscored the region’s commitment to fossil fuel sub-sector development. Notable progress includes Kenya’s commercial oil discovery in the South Lokichar basin within the Tertiary rift basin, with an estimated 2.9 billion barrels and a recoverable estimate of 585 million barrels.

Other updates included Tanzania’s preparations for the 5th licensing round of oil and natural gas exploration blocks on both onshore and offshore areas, with the aim of attracting more investors. Uganda’s petroleum resource development projects and the progress in the construction of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project, whose actual installation of pipes on the ground is scheduled to begin in May 2024.

Regarding power connectivity in the region, the region has a total power supply installed capacity of 7,381.67 Megawatts, while the total system peak demand stands at 4,811.2 Megawatts. The regional per capita electricity consumption ranges from 25 kilowatt hours in Burundi to 153 kilowatt hours in Kenya.

The ministers noted that challenges in electricity supply persist, particularly due to vandalism of electricity infrastructure. To combat this issue, partner states have committed to implementing mitigation measures such as copper-plated earth rods, regulating scrap metal transactions, and community sensitisation.

The Sectoral Council said the 11th East African Petroleum Conference and Exhibition 2025 (EAPCE’25) will be held from March 5 to 7, 2025, in Tanzania.

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