Earthquakes Impede Solar Components Production in China

Chinese solar components manufacturers Longi and Zhonghuan Semiconductor have reported a drop in wafer production at their Yunnan and Qingha factories. The drop comes after two (6.4 and 7.4 magnitudes) earthquakes that occurred on Friday night.

Read also: Manufacturers Want Solar Module Size Standardized.

Longi stated that it lost 10% of its expected wafer output this month (about 120 million pieces). At the same time, Zhonghuan Semiconductor reported that the output from the Qinghai factory would fall by around 130 MW for the month.

Longi is a market leader in the production of monocrystalline solar cells. The company has a production capacity of over 30GW of high-efficiency solar wafers and modules manually. Zhonghuan Semiconductor manufactures and distributes solar energy components, including semiconductor materials and devices used in smart grid transmission, renewable energy generation, and electric vehicles.

Both companies are optimistic that production levels will be back to normal in a week.

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