EC Signs Deal for Seven Large Low Carbon Technology

  • EC signs agreements for seven large-scale projects implementing low-carbon technology to share a total of EUR 1.1 billion.
  • K6 Programme will transform a French cement plant in Lumbres to manufacture the first carbon-neutral cement in Europe.

The European Commission (EC) signed agreements for seven large-scale projects implementing low-carbon technology to share a total of EUR 1.1 billion (USD 1.2 billion) in grant financing from the EU Innovation Fund, which is funded by Emissions Trading System earnings (ETS).

These are the Innovation Fund’s first large-scale initiatives, which were chosen in November 2021. Among them are initiatives in hydrogen, steel, chemicals, cement, solar energy, biofuels, and carbon capture and storage (CCS).

Enel Green Power’s TANGO program, which aims to build significantly up a solar factory in Italy to a capacity of 3GW per year, is also among the projects that have been awarded.


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