Eco Wave Power Supplies Energy to Israeli Electrical Grid

  • The EWP-EDF One Station would be the first wave energy project to deliver electricity to Israel’s power supply.
  • The project was built in collaboration and co-funding from EDF Renewables IL and the Israeli Energy Ministry.

Eco Wave Power Global, a leading onshore wave energy developer, has officially connected to Israel’s national electrical grid. This makes it the first wave energy project to deliver electricity to the country’s power supply.

The connected project is its station at the Port of Jaffa in Tel Aviv, EWP-EDF One, which would provide clean energy to Israel’s electrical grid and serve as a public education centre. It was built in collaboration and co-funding from EDF Renewables IL and the Israeli Energy Ministry. The EWP-EDF One power station has an installed capacity of 100 KW (kilowatt), enough energy to power approximately 100 homes at peak efficiency.

Eco Wave Power Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Inna Braverman, expressed excitement over the accomplishment of sustainable wave energy at the Port of Jaffa, “I am grateful to the EDF Renewables IL team, the Israeli Energy Ministry, the Atarim Group (which manages and develops the Tel-Aviv Jaffa coastline), and my entire team at Eco Wave Power, who worked tirelessly to take this project from an idea to a new source of clean energy for Israel. We believe this is just the start for wave energy, and we are excited for this station to serve as a catalyst for many more projects across the globe.”

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