ECOWAS ERERA, IRB Deepens Cooperation

  • ECOWAS ERERA signs MOU with IRB.
  • They would also share regulations and exchange information.

The ECOWAS Regional Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERERA) and the Independent Regulatory Board (IRB), the regulatory arm of the Eastern African Power Pool (EAPP), have committed to deepening their cooperation.

Through a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the two bodies would exchange managerial and technical experiences and best practices in the operation of a regional power trade. They would also share regulations and exchange information, documents, and experiences in regional electricity market regulation, electricity trade and power system operations.

ERERA is the regulator of the regional cross-border trade of electricity in West Africa and the regional regulator of cross-border electricity interconnections in West Africa.

EAPP is a 13-member Inter-Governmental Organization set up in 2005 to interconnect their electricity grids, take advantage of excess capacity within the network, and facilitate the trade of electric power between them.

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