Edinburgh Airport Secures Top Carbon Accreditation

  • Edinburgh Airport becomes the first Scottish airport to achieve Level 4 ‘Transformation’ in global carbon accreditation.
  • The airport’s success stems from a comprehensive Net Zero strategy and partnerships with airlines and stakeholders.
  • Edinburgh Airport plans to advance to Level 4+ Transition, aiming for net zero emissions by offsetting remaining carbon.

Edinburgh Airport has become the first in Scotland to earn a global carbon accreditation, reaching Level 4 ‘Transformation’ in the Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) scheme, one of the highest levels in international carbon management for airports.

The airport collaborated extensively with stakeholders, airlines, and campus partners to map emissions across its supply chain. It also introduced a comprehensive Net Zero strategy, demonstrating its commitment to reducing environmental impact.

The ACA is the only institutionally endorsed carbon management certification program for airports worldwide. Edinburgh Airport’s Level 4 achievement showcases its progress under its “Greater Good” sustainability strategy.

Several vital initiatives drove this success:

  • The airport released a Net Zero Strategy outlining its approach to sustainable growth and reducing direct emissions.
  • It partnered with airlines and stakeholders to set science-based emission-cutting targets.
  • The airport mapped Scope 3 (indirect) emissions within its supply chain, focusing on the carbon footprint of purchased goods and services.

External verification confirmed the accuracy of the submitted data. Edinburgh Airport plans to advance to the next ACA level, Level 4+ Transition, which involves offsetting remaining carbon emissions with reliable carbon credits.

As part of the VINCI Airports network, the world’s leading private airport operator, Edinburgh Airport aligns with over 70 other airports in the ACA program. VINCI Airports aims to achieve net zero emissions across its European and UK airports by 2030. Four airports—Toulon Hyères in France and Beja, Madeira, and Ponta Delgada in Portugal—have reached Level 5, the highest level in the ACA program, signifying net zero emissions.

Edinburgh Airport now leads sustainability efforts in Scotland by achieving Level 4 accreditation. This accomplishment sets a new standard for environmental responsibility and contributes to global climate change mitigation efforts. The airport remains focused on reducing emissions and advancing towards a net zero future, marking a significant step forward in the aviation industry’s response to the climate crisis.

The airport’s success underscores its sustainability strategy’s effectiveness and dedication to continuous improvement. As it pursues Level 4+ and beyond, Edinburgh Airport will intensify efforts to offset emissions and adopt innovative solutions for a more sustainable future.

Edinburgh Airport’s progress in the ACA program reflects a broader trend towards greater environmental responsibility in the aviation industry. With VINCI Airports’s and other partners’ support, the airport remains well-positioned to lead in sustainability and contribute meaningfully to global carbon reduction efforts.

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