EDM, IFC to Install 4 Mini Solar Plants in Mozambique

  • EDM and IFC collaborate to develop 50 MW of clean energy.
  • The solar plants will have battery storage systems.

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and utility provider Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) have signed a collaboration agreement to boost the power supply in Mozambique. The partnership aims to develop 50MW of renewable energy.

The project involves the construction of four solar photovoltaic power plants equipped with battery storage systems. Before this, the IFC will commission a grid integration and financial assessment study. “A key priority for Mozambique is to ensure access to affordable, sustainable and reliable electricity. Through a combination of early-stage project development support and financing, IFC is working with EDM to help Mozambique develop its renewable energy sources to power homes and businesses,” said Dan Croft, IFC’s Regional Director for Infrastructure in Africa on the Upstream team, which works on early-stage project development.

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