Edo State Gov’t Supplies 780,000 litres of Petrol

  • To address the scarcity of petrol in the state, Edo State Government has supplied 780,000 litres of petrol.
  • The state government would ensure that marketers get the product at the official pump price and sell at the regulated price.

According to the News Agency of Nigeria, the Commissioner for Mining and Energy, Mr Ethan Uzamere, announced this at a news conference in Benin. Flanked by the Commissioner for Information, Chris Nehikhare, and the Special Adviser to the state governor on Media Projects, Mr Crusoe Osagie, Uzamere noted that the 780,000 litre-supply was part of efforts to address the scarcity of the product in the state and a task force was in place to monitor product distribution and sales at filling stations across the state.

Uzamere said, “As part of the measures, the government has set up a task force to monitor the situation and ensure that no Edo citizen is exploited. We also wish to announce that already, the state has received 780,000 litres of fuel which will be distributed to major and independent marketers. And the task force will monitor its distribution and sales.”

Uzamere added that the state government would ensure that marketers get the product at the official pump price and sell at the regulated price. He said, “The government has heard the cries of the people on the issue of fuel scarcity in the state. The state government is working to ensure the availability of the product.”

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