EEDC to Commence Prepaid Meter Token ID by February

  • After the rollover, the very first energy purchase by customers will come with three sets of 20-digit tokens (KCT1, KCT2 and the energy token).
  • The KCT1 is to reset the meter, KCT2 is to upgrade the meter, while the energy token is to recharge the meter and complete the upgrade process.

The Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) announced yesterday its plans to commence the Token Identifier (TID) rollover for all its prepaid meter customers by the end of February 2024. The EEDC also urged its customers to update their information as a prerequisite for the meter upgrade. According to the disCos, this is part of the implementation for the Standard Transfer Specification (STS) prepaid meter upgrade. EEDC’s Head of Communications, Mr Emeka Ezeh, said that the process is simple, indicating that it is a requirement for customers’ meters to be upgraded.

According to him, the company had developed and deployed a link through which its customers can update their information. He noted that they will simply do so by clicking on the link and accessing it by providing their meter number, after which they will validate their mobile number and email address. He said that the prepaid meter upgrade is compulsory for all prepaid meter customers, and they must comply to avoid losing their meter and being out of supply.

Ezeh said, “To forestall any supply disruption during the rollover period, customers are encouraged to purchase enough energy units that will sustain them for some days during the period. This is because the vending platform will be shut down, and meter recharge activities will not go through during this time. After the rollover must have happened, the very first energy purchase by customers will come with three sets of 20-digit tokens (KCT1, KCT2 and the energy token).

“The first 20 digits (KCT1) is to reset the meter, the second 20 digits (KCT2) is to upgrade the meter, while the third 20 digits (energy token) is to recharge the meter and complete the upgrade process. Customers are expected to punch in the first 20 digits, which is the KCT1 and press “enter”, and simultaneously punch in the second 20 digits, which is the KCT2 and press “enter”. In addition, he stated that lastly, customers would punch in the third 20 digits, which is the energy token, to complete the upgrade process.

One thought on “EEDC to Commence Prepaid Meter Token ID by February

  1. Calvary greetings in Jesus Name. I have validated my prepaid meter but have not received the KCT to be able to recharge. Please, What next should I do?

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