Egypt and Mauritania, BP’s Potential Green Hydrogen Hubs

  • BP has signed separate memorandums of understanding (MOU) to explore opportunities to create hydrogen hubs in Egypt and Mauritania.
  • BP’s quest is to capture 10% of the global low-carbon hydrogen market by 2030.

BP has signed separate memorandums of understanding (MOU) to explore opportunities to create hydrogen hubs in Egypt and Mauritania following BP’s quest to capture 10% of the global low-carbon hydrogen market by 2030. BP has pledged to evaluate the technical and commercial feasibility of developing a multiphase, large-scale green hydrogen production and export hub in Egypt, including a likely survey of locations throughout the country and identification of best-in-class resources.

Green hydrogen gets the press coverage deservedly because it is carbon-free. However, according to the chairman of the European Energy Research Alliance, Nils Røkke, “there simply isn’t enough renewable energy in a place that can be scaled in time to meet even near-term emission targets, and to think otherwise is “ridiculous”. I’m afraid, it would take too long to develop the number of renewables you’d need to produce hydrogen from (electrolysis).”

The solution is to develop blue and green hydrogen simultaneously with the expectation that green hydrogen would become dominant over time, and BP is in sync with this strategy. It names blue and green hydrogen as one of the company’s five stated energy transition growth engines currently being pursued in the UK, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Middle East, US, Australia and potentially Africa. 



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