EGYPT: Egypt, Saudi Arabia to Begin Interconnection Project

  • Egypt, Saudi Arabia to begin interconnection project
  • Project to increase the grid capacity by 2000MW

The Egyptian Ministry of Electricity, in conjunction with Saudi Arabia, is set to launch the Electrical Interconnection Project. The major project will increase the capacity of Egypt’s national grid by 2000MW, the Ministry announced. While announcing the project, Egyptian Minister of Electricity Mohammed Shaker added that a study would be carried out to adjust the paths of the power lines in line with the project. The transmission lines between the two countries will be under the Direct Current (DC) system, the latest in Egypt and the Arab region.

The Ministry of Electricity had in 2012 entered into an agreement with Saudi Arabia for the Electrical Interconnection Project. The project aims to create an infrastructure platform for electricity trade between the Arabian countries. Mohammed Shaker said that the tenders for implementing the project had been finalised, and the winning bidder will be announced soon.

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