EIB, BPCE Sign €300m Deal for SMEs’ Green Transition in France and Europe

  • With the EIB financing, Groupe BPCE will provide up to €16 million in financing for mobility, energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
  • The projects eligible for funding include EVs and transport equipment, charging infrastructure, forklifts, and photovoltaic installations.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a €300 million financial agreement with Groupe BPCE, a French banking group for small and medium enterprises’ green transition in France and Europe. With the EIB financing, Groupe BPCE can help its customers by offering leasing solutions suitable for green investments. The firm will also achieve this by providing financing of up to €16 million with terms of up to 15 years for mobility, energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.

The financing will cover new equipment, financial, real estate and long-term leasing agreements in France (metropolitan and overseas), Spain and Italy. These agreements will have attractive financial conditions, and the maturities will consider the specific characteristics of green assets. The projects eligible for funding are broad. They include electric vehicles and transport equipment, charging infrastructure, forklifts, the replacement of electric motors or speed drives on industrial motors, and photovoltaic installations.

The partnership is part of BPCE Lease’s 2019 strategy to integrate the environment into all its activities, processes and organisational aspects through the Lease Impact programme. This has enabled BPCE Lease to offer solutions in three key areas: business mobility, energy efficiency, and energy production through a full range of solutions and advisory services. Commercial real estate is also covered, possibly financing building renovations to improve energy performance, LED lighting installations, boiler replacements and new building construction. 

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