Electric Power Sector Reform Act Passes 2nd Reading

The Electric Power Sector Reform Act 2005 has passed second reading on the floor of the House of Representative. The House seeks to amend Sections 32, 62, 67, 74, 80, 81, and 83 of the Act. The amendments seek to ensure the reimbursement of consumers for costs incurred in the purchase and maintenance of electrical equipment for the Distribution Company (DisCo).

The Sponsor of the Bill, Hon. Ben Igbaka, explained the necessity of these amendments. He noted the rising number of consumers who have had to purchase and/or maintain DisCos equipment. When amended, the DisCos will be compelled to refund consumers for expenses incurred in the purchase and maintenance of DisCos equipment.

Hon. Igbaka further stressed the need to, “establish appropriate consumer rights and obligations regarding the provision and use of electric services as well as compelling the distribution company to refund any consumer who incurs expenses in the course of electric services”

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