Electricity Satisfies the Five Levels of Human Needs! Find out how

Suppose you were asked to use electricity for ONLY one thing in 2021, what would it be?

On my part, the first thing I would usually do when the power comes on is to plug in my devices to charge. However, if I had to choose only one thing that I could use electricity for in a year, it would be to pump water. Water, I presume is the most basic need that electricity can be used to provide. Humans have a hierarchy of needs according to Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Theory. Each level of this hierarchy can be related to electricity and its usefulness.

Maslow’s hierarchy talks about the five stages of human needs. The first, most basic need is the survival need that comprises food, clothing, and shelter. One step above the physiological need is safety (learn more). Humans require financial and environmental stability to thrive. Just above safety is the emotional need, and this entails feeling connected to others. Esteem is the second-highest level of achievement. Now, self-actualisation sits at the top of the pyramid of needs. Self-actualisation for an individual is about achieving life’s purpose, solving problems, and being creative.

Some people opine that electricity is a safety need, but I do believe that the usefulness of electricity cuts across all five levels of needs. In this article, the three lower levels discussed apply to individuals, while the two higher ones apply to society; Nigeria specifically.

Physiological need:

This entails the most basic elements of survival including food, clothing, and shelter. Ever noticed the relief you have when you flip your switch and discover there’s light; it gives this settling feeling that you can achieve anything. With electricity, the choice of food becomes easier, as it reduces stress. Even sleeping is cosier when there is electricity.

Safety needs:

Electricity has contributed to enabling security through communications and surveillance on both small and large scales. Many businesses also have achieved more efficient processes and profitability because of the availability of electricity.

Emotional need:

It is natural for humans to desire affection, a sense of belonging and love, irrespective of gender, age, race, or social class. Technology that enables us to communicate with our loved ones even when they are physically absent is a typical illustration of how electricity fulfills an emotional need.

Esteem need:

This involves confidence, respect for and by others. Electricity fulfilling the esteem need is the conscious application of clean energy and energy efficiency by both individuals and the larger society.


This is the highest level of need, which Maslow says represents growth towards the fulfillment of the highest need which is achieving potential. Nigeria has the potential to be among the seven largest economies in the world by 2050 and electricity is the foundation on which Nigeria can actualise this potential.

How else do you think electricity contributes to meeting the five stages of human needs? We would love to get your contributions.


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