EN.IT Unveils 350MW Green Hydrogen Project in Dominican Republic

  • The Dominican Republic (DR) is delving into the potential of green hydrogen, an eco-friendly alternative to conventional fuels.
  • Creating a local market for green hydrogen will face hurdles, primarily driven by high renewable energy prices.

An Italian company, EN.IT has disclosed its keen interest in contributing to the Dominican Republic’s (DR) green hydrogen industry. EN.IT has unveiled a renewable hydrogen project of 350 MW, powered by wind and solar energy in La Romana. In pursuing a cleaner energy future, the DR delves into the potential of green hydrogen, an eco-friendly alternative to conventional fuels. In addition to a notable track record in Italy and Brazil, the firm is constructing a photovoltaic park in La Romana. This showcases a dedicated commitment to advancing renewable energy initiatives within the DR.

Furthermore, estimated production costs per kilogram range between $4.35 and just over $12, with sensitivity to factors like renewable energy prices and power plant efficiency. However, creating a local market for green hydrogen will face hurdles, primarily driven by high renewable energy prices. Experts emphasise that renewable energy costs should drop to less than three cents per kilowatt-hour for economic viability. The firm’s involvement underscores the global significance of green hydrogen as a clean energy source. Collaborative efforts between EN.IT, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, and GIZ are shaping a National Renewable Hydrogen Strategy to guide the country’s entry into the sector.

Managing Director of EN.IT, Mattia D’Amato said, “The opportunities opened up by hydrogen production technologies are immense. With the ongoing advancements in renewable energy research, strengthened regulations, and increased investments, we can only expect these technologies to become more prominent in the near future. Moreover, Green Hydrogen will become one of the most valuable renewable energy sources in the next 30 years. Seizing its potential right now is the first step in laying the foundations for a global green economy.” Also, the company’s participation highlights the country’s commitment to diversifying its energy mix and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The renewable hydrogen project in La Romana will provide an estimated production of 46,000 t/yr and target export, EN.IT said.

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