ENA Urges UK Government to Develop Energy Storage Strategy

  • The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has called on the UK government to update the British Energy Security Strategy to include the deliverance of an energy storage strategy by the end of 2023.
  • The ENA also believes there must be a focus on unlocking private investment through energy network companies to build and transform energy network capacity.

The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has called on the UK government to update the British Energy Security Strategy to include the deliverance of an energy storage strategy by the end of 2023. The industry body believes this commitment should be unveiled in the upcoming Spring Budget, which is scheduled to be released by the UK government on 15 March 2023.

Energy storage is a crucial area for the UK to explore in a bid to achieve its net zero ambitions and increase the flexibility options available to the grid.

The ENA has defined that the UK must clearly define what business models will be developed to secure investment in seasonal energy storage. With the hope that it will help boost investment and innovation within the sector and support the UK’s long-term energy targets. Alongside a commitment to energy storage, the ENA also believes there must be a focus on unlocking private investment through energy network companies to build and transform energy network capacity.

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