You have enemies, and so does Energy!

Energy is a crucial part of our daily lives, and it enables us to do things we might otherwise take for granted. From powering our homes and workplaces to providing the fuel that drives our transportation systems, there are several things that can reduce the amount of energy available or make it difficult to access; they are considered “Energy’s enemy” Yes, we are all essential benefactors of Energy, but it leaves us with a burning question. Who is Energy’s Enemy?

Climate change and energy aren’t good friends; despite the fact that some renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, can benefit from the changes in weather patterns, the negative impacts would outweigh any potential benefits. Imagine what a heavy flood can do to a Power plant. That is why several weather conditions such as; hurricanes, drought, rising sea levels and many more can have negative impacts on Energy Infrastructures. These impacts disrupt energy dissemination and are harmful to our health and well-being. Sadly, as it is an enemy of Energy, it is also an enemy of Humans.

Furthermore, if you believe climate change is the only enemy of energy, then you haven’t seen Energy Waste. Energy waste is when energy is produced but not used or when it is used inefficiently; this can result in unnecessary energy consumption, increased costs, and negative environmental impacts. Energy waste can occur in different ways, such as; leaving lights and appliances on when they are not needed; reducing energy waste is an important step in protecting the environment.

The popular saying “the enemy of my enemy is your friend” can be applied in this context if we unanimously antagonize energy’s enemy. In essence, we must make a conscious effort to protect our climate by properly managing energy and properly using energy infrastructures.

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