Envision Unveils 8MWh World Largest Energy Storage System

  • Envision Energy officially unveiled the world’s largest energy storage system—the Standard 20-foot Single Container 8MWh+.
  • The breakthrough to 8MWh+ capacity in a standard 20-foot container is due 60 per cent to the enhanced energy density of its self-developed large-capacity cells and 30 per cent to system integration.

Envision Energy officially unveiled the world’s largest energy storage system—the Standard 20-foot Single Container 8MWh+—at the 3rd EESA Energy Storage Exhibition, marking the industry’s entry into the 8MWh era.
Following the release of CATL’s 6.25MWh energy storage system in April 2024 and several other companies launching 6MWh+ storage systems, the industry has seen another leap in storage system capacity.

 At this exhibition, CRRC Zhuzhou Institute also introduced a larger capacity energy storage system. CRRC Zhuzhou Institute’s new generation storage system, using 688Ah cells, offers standard 20-foot single-container capacities of 6.9MWh and 7.4MWh, depending on voltage.
Envision’s 8MWh+ energy storage system utilises its self-developed 700Ah+ storage-specific cells. These cells, produced by Envision Power, are a new generation product with an RTE of 96 cells. Combined with a compact system design, they allow Envision’s 8MWh+ storage system to achieve an energy density of 541kWh/㎡ per unit area, setting a new industry record.
According to the company, the breakthrough to 8MWh+ capacity in a standard 20-foot container is due 60 per cent to the enhanced energy density of its self-developed large-capacity cells, 30 per cent to system integration and further compact design of the container space, and 10 per cent to the optimization of functional units within the container.
Meanwhile, Envision is a leading energy storage manufacturer with full-stack technical capabilities, including self-developed and manufactured cells, inverters, battery management systems, and energy management systems.

In April 2023, Envision Energy launched the 20-foot container 5MWh energy storage system, leading the way in mass production and pushing the 5MWh system into the mainstream. In April 2024, Envision Energy introduced the 5.6MWh storage system, the largest in an integrated AC/DC structure.
At the exhibition, envision also showcased its system-level capabilities for new energy systems, including system-level products, technologies, solutions, and services. They offer high safety, high performance, low LCOE system-level storage products, AI-driven trading and grid construction solutions, “energy storage + X” integrated solutions, and full lifecycle services.

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