EPRI Launches Initiative to Forestall Gri Supply Interruptions

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has launched an Initiative to mitigate disruptions to the grid supply of electricity. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) EPRI Arshad Mansoor, said “In markets around the world, the power sector is reshaping energy systems while responding to emerging challenges. Serving tomorrow’s energy customer means anticipating and preparing for high-impact events when, where, and how they may occur. Through this initiative, EPRI is leading industry-level collaboration to understand and overcome power supply challenges before they happen”.

The initiative will focus on four key areas:

  1. Developing metrics, criteria, and scenarios to assess risk and guide investment decisions;
  2. Creating models and data to characterize how system resources perform under all operating conditions;
  3. Accelerating the development of resource adequacy assessment tools to advance new solutions benefiting society; and
  4. Demonstrating the value of new approaches through “real world” applications across diverse regions to guide employment of new processes.

”Through our collaboration with EPRI and other industry leaders, we are preparing for the transformation of the grid to ensure that resilience is sustained and improved, as the grid becomes more decarbonized, decentralized and digitized”,  Mark Lauby, Senior Vice President and Chief Engineer at the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.

The Electric Power Research Institute is an independent body that conducts research and development relating to the generation, delivery and use of electricity for the benefit of the public.

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