EU Provides Solar Powered Tricycles for Women in Zimbabwe

  • 88 rural women are set to benefit from the EU’s provision.
  • Zimbabwean govt. is accelerating sustainable mobility.

The Zimbabwean government, with support from the European Union (EU), is set to boost sustainable transport in the country. To support this move, the EU has purchased 88 electric tricycles for female farmers in Domboshava municipality.

The solar-powered vehicles are assembled locally by the start-up company Mobility for Africa. The three-wheeled vehicles will facilitate the transport of goods for rural women and the development of the circular economy in Zimbabwe. “We carry a lot of weight on our heads, and now, the tricycle lightens the burden,” says Danai Bvochora, a trader in the Domboshava market.

The solar-powered vehicles will enable these women farmers to improve their mobility and agricultural yields in this East African country hit hard by climate change.

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