EU to Provide €5.4m for Burkina Faso Solar Project

The first agreement will see the European Union (EU) provide €5.4 million grant financing via the AFD as the delegated authority. The funds will enable Burkina Faso to finance its “Yeleen Solar Project”. This project aims to increase electricity capacity via solar power plants. Project implementation will see the construction fo solar power plants near the capital Ouagadougou (42 MWp), in Dori (6 MWp), Diapaga (2 MWp) and Gaoua (1 MWp). These plants will be connected to the grid with the energy sold to the  National Electricity Company of Burkina Faso (SONABEL).

Read also: Construction Commences on 30MW Solar Plant in Burkina Faso

According to Bachir Ismaël Ouédraogo, Burkina Faso’s Minister of Energy, Mines and Quarries, this EU financing will enable the government to establish a construction mechanism of 50 MWp photovoltaic solar power plant with a 10 MWh storage system. This project, when completed, will see the expansion of the grid and the addition of new electricity connections across the country.

Burkina Faso’s government is also looking to invest in and develop off-grid energy solutions via mini-grid systems and SHS.

AFD had released CFAF 49 billion (€75 million) for the Yeleen project last year. The Agency is also supporting Burkina Faso’s solar plan within the Sahel Alliance Framework. The African Development Bank (AfDB) is also financing the Yeleen Project.

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