Europe’s Energy Crisis Drives up SHS Adoption in Germany

  • Germany looks to increase energy security with an increase in solar storage use.
  • Energy security – a paramount factor in solar storage acquisition for Germany 

There is an ongoing energy crisis across Europe, including Germany, which has led to a hike in the cost of electricity. As a result, there has been a massive increase in the number of solar home systems installations since last year. Approximately 141,000 new solar storage systems were installed in various homes in Germany in the past year, raising the tally to above 400,000 across the country. 

With the current Russian invasion of Ukraine and most EU countries seeking ways to reduce their reliance on Russian gas, the demand for  such storage systems is only expected to increase. One other way that the majority are adopting the use of battery energy storage is the uptake in the acquisition of electric cars, driving up the rate of battery storage adoption. These steps are seen as bold statements by Germany to ensure that  the country’s energy transition plans are kept on track whilst securing energy availability.

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