Evergreen Power Signs 400MW Hybrid Renewables MoU with India

  • Evergreen Power Solutions Inc. will build a 400 MW hybrid renewables complex in the Indian state of Gujarat.
  • The proposed project will support Gujarat’s renewable energy policy.

Evergreen Power Solutions Inc., the Indian unit of the United States green energy platform, has sealed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the government of Gujarat. This MoU is for the company to build a 400 MW hybrid renewables complex in Gujarat. The Indian company will invest INR 40 billion (USD 480.6m/EUR 438.6m) in the scheme that envisages solar photovoltaic and onshore wind capacity installation.

Also, the proposed project will support Gujarat’s renewable energy policy. This policy calls for the state to derive 50 per cent of its total power requirements from renewable energy sources by the end of the decade. Evergreen Renewables owns a roughly 2.3 GW pipeline of wind, solar and battery storage projects in Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

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