FG to Create New Jobs Via Off-Grid Energy Deployment

  • Minister of State for Environment estimates 840,000 jobs through electric vehicle deployment.
  • Ikeazor emphasises the importance of political commitment to climate change administration.

According to the Minister of State for Environment, Sharon Ikeazor, net job creation might be up to 840,000 employment with the rise of electric vehicles and off-grid solar at an interministerial committee meeting on climate change in Abuja.

“With eight years to go until the deadline for achieving the energy access Sustainable Development Goal 7, and with 2060 fast approaching, the time begins now. It is imperative to note that we must accelerate actions on the ground with catalytic partnerships, frameworks, policies, and regulations needed to crowd-in investments at scale to achieve our objectives,” she said.

Ikeazor noted that Nigeria’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) had been updated with new sectors (waste and water), more ambitious targets, and an increase from 45 to 47% conditional on foreign aid.

“President Muhammad Buhari, in November 2021 signed into law the Climate Change Bill passed by the National Assembly. This Climate Change Law provides an overarching legal framework to articulate a long-term climate plan for Nigeria to achieve a net-zero carbon emission target national climate resilience, with the structure of the International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC) providing roles for each Ministry Department and Agency (MDA) in line with respective mandates to align. The NDC activities are expected to be weighed against the Energy Transition Plan, National Adaptation Plan, Gender Action Plan, National Development Plan 2022 – 2025 to ensure alignment.” the Minister noted.


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