Firm to Add 6MW Battery to Solar Farm in UK

  • NextEnergy Solar Fund adds battery system to its solar farm.
  • The construction works will commence in 2022.

NextEnergy Solar Fund Ltd has announced that it will add a 6MW/12MWh battery system to its existing 11MW North Norfolk solar farm in its first co-located battery storage project. The firm noted that it has secured planning permission for the facility and expects to kick off construction later in 2022.

In a report by Renewables Now, an additional four potential locations for co-located batteries have been identified. Under its retrofit programme, the company wants to exploit battery storage collocation opportunities presented by its 91 UK solar assets. This is in addition to its existing joint venture with Eelpower, announced last year, for 250MW of standalone battery storage.

NextEnergy Group chief executive, Michael Bonte-Friedheim stated,“implementing co-located batteries across the portfolio presents an attractive growth opportunity for NESF as these assets offer both synergies with our PV assets, as well as offering diversification to our portfolio income.”


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