Four Solar Energy Facts

Reducing costs and a move to a more sustainable future has made solar power one of the key energy providers in today’s world. While the interest in solar energy continues to grow, enlightenment about this energy form is also necessary.

Solar energy is the radiant light and heat from the Sun. This energy can be captured via various technologies including, solar photovoltaic cells, solar thermal energy, such as solar water heating, and solar architecture.

Solar Energy can be tracked back to 1839 when a 19-year-old French physicist, A.E. Becquerel, whose focus up to that point had been related to phosphorescence and luminescence, discovered the photovoltaic effect. He discovered an electrical current formed when gold or platinum plates were submerged in a solution and subjected to unequal sun radiation. This discovery piqued the interest of scientists all across the world. Other scientists also made solar energy discoveries, including Charles Fritz, who created the first working selenium solar cell in 1883.

However, here are some facts about solar energy;

  1. Solar energy is the world’s primary energy source. The Sun powers natural systems that allow everything else around us to function, and without it, humanity would perish.
  2. You can use solar energy without sunlight,  The phrase “solar panel” may indicate that they require direct sunlight to function. Although, the science underpinning solar panels’ energy generation is dependent on photons found in sunlight. Even if the sky is foggy, your solar panel will still function. However, scientists are looking to develop a thermoradiative cell that generates power by emitting light rather than absorbing it. These panels could potentially work all through the day.
  3. The efficiency of solar panels has improved greatly over the years. While the first solar panels were only about 6% efficient, today’s panels can reach an efficiency of over 20%. The most efficient solar panel today, SunPower’s 440W Maxeon 6  has an efficiency of 22.8%.
  4. You don’t need to pay outright to own a solar installation. Some off-grid developers offer pay-as-you-go (PAYG)/Energy as a Service (EaaS) options for solar installation. This means that the developer will deploy the solar system on your premises while you pay a monthly fee. Often times there is a lease-to-own option where you pay till you have covered the costs of the installation.

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